Need Help With
A Business Letter Of Introduction?

Your Business Letter of Introduction to Potential Clients - How professional are they? Could they be better?

Our Guidebook is Here!
To Help You Write Your Own Business Letter of Introduction like a professional

Guidebook: How To Write A Business Introduction Letter

Our Guidebook on “How to write a Business Introduction letter is here”

  • No more expensive marketers.
  • No more agonizing on what to say.
  • No more worrying about writing that letter.
  • No more uncertainties.
  • A step-by-step approach with a guarantee of writing a great letter.
  • Become proud of your work – and enjoy the successes it will bring.

Could This Ebook Really Be For You?

Yes. If you are unsure how to write that professional letter.

Yes, if you are unsure how to phrase things.

Yes, if you are not clear how to structure that letter.

Yes, if you want to easily follow marketing guidelines.

Yes, if you want your business to get ahead

What Is In This Ebook?

This ebook is a step-by-step guide to writing your business letter.

Giving you an overall picture, it then takes you through each section of your letter. With advice and recommendations, suggestions and examples, each step is made easy.

We give you examples and methods in a clear and concise manner, that will help you get your letter “Just right”.

In addition, we have added a step-by-step questionnaire to aid you through each step.

What Is The Guarantee?

Guarantee Of Ebook Quality

We guarantee that 

- this ebook is easy to read

- this ebook is easy to implement

- that you will easily write that difficult letter and have many options for the final version.

We guarantee that if you are not completely satisfied, you will get your money back.

NO Questions Asked!

So Why Wait?

So why wait? This book will be an asset to you, and not only with the writing of your business letter of introduction but any formal business letter you have to write.

Here's What Others Had To Say

So far the reviews have been great, so we are genuinely proud to be able to present this book to you.

“I liked the book very much - it is user-friendly, easy to read and concise.”

Edwina Delaney, MA, Business Manager.

Brian Vibenholt
  • “For all new entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized business owners, investing in this book, you will save a lot more than the money you planned to use on a marketing consultant. This book makes you think about your strategy and the value you bring to your customers. Reflecting on your strategy based on the questions Martha raises for you in writing the introduction letter, she gives you a lot more than a marketing tool – it is strategic management!”
  • Brian Vibenholt, MBA, Management Consultant
Susanna Lobina
  • I have been following Martha for quite a while now as I find her WebPages packed with awesome material, which for the best part is all free.
  • So when I came across her new guidebook “How to write a business letter of introduction” I did not hesitate in buying it, especially as I was already in the process of trying to write one on my own.
  • After reading it I realised that I was tackling this project completely the wrong way round; without giving it the due thought and preparation it needed, that made the letter almost write itself. 
  • What I love most is; each part of the letter is explained in detail giving you examples that not only do they make it easier to understand; it helped me to relate to my situation and write what I wanted say more fluently.
  •  After reading it a couple of times the questionnaire at the end makes it a breeze to go though each step of creating a professional business introductory to be proud of.
  • Thank you Martha.
  • Susanna Lobina, Lobina Transport, Business Manager

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