Business Presentation Ideas

Quote by Wolfgang Goethe on Presenting InformationAlthough Goethe lived so long ago, here is what he had to say about presenting!

You will find a lot of great business presentation ideas here in this article. Based on over 30 years experience, I have put together the key ideas I would like to give you. 

Free Business Presentation Training

In presenting your information to others, you need to do a lot of preparation. Not only on your facts and figures but on the political field as well. Perhaps our page on micropolitical mapping may be of use here. 

Take 10 minutes and take this free training here: 

Checklist for A Case Presentation

1. Do you know exactly what you want to achieve?

2. Do you really believe in your case?

3. Have you obtained and checked all the facts that support your case?

4. What are the strongest arguments for your case?

5. Why must the present situation be changed?

6. Who else will be affected? Unions, other divisions or departments?

7. What are the arguments against your plan?

8. What alternatives are there to your plan?

9. To whom are you presenting your plan? Have you done any lobbying?

10. Have you discussed the finances with the express?

11. Do you know who your probable allies are and who are likely to be your opponents?

12. Have you prepared handouts of any complicated figures?

13. Have you discussed the best time to present your case?

14. Your ideas were good when you first thought of them: are they still as good?

Source: Michael Armstrong, "How to be an even better Manager", 6th Edition

20 Great Business Presentation Ideas


1. Dress according to Audience’s expectations.

2. Arrive Early.

3. Check that all equipment is functioning.

4. Have a glass of water at hand.

5. Have your plan B clear in your head.

6. Always speak to your audience. 

7. Remain standing if you can – show authority. 

8. Never turn your back to the audience. 

9. Don’t stand in the way of your presentation. 

10. Avoid making your lecture too quick and monotonous. 

11. Don’t be afraid of silences. 

12. Don’t just read from your notes.

13. Speak slowly and clearly. 

14. Pauses will give the audience time to process what you have just said. 

15. Make eye contact with one or two people, or stare at a point on the back wall, but allow your gaze to wander every now and then.

16. Move around. 

17. Show your own interest and commitment through examples, images and comparisons.

18. Address personal experiences or difficulties with the material. 

19. The audience will be able to understand quicker and better and will find the subject more accessible.

20. If the audience is bored, vary your tone of voice, do not deviate from your central theme, but try to re-establish direct contact by asking questions, for example.

Have you got more great business presentation ideas that you would like to share with others? You can add them in the comment box below. 

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