How about Learning Time Management Skills?

 Learning Time Management Skills is easier than you think!

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However, You may need this sign for outside your office door.

Time Management Warning Sign For Your Office Door

Time Management Proverb from Ireland about loosing half an hour.

Four Keys To Learning Time Management Skills

Time can be such an issue, can’t it! We all have too much to do – and too little time to do it. Sometimes I wish time would stand still for 6 months so I could catch a bit. But being overloaded can lead to unhealthy stress.

To reduce time-related stressors there ARE certain skills we can develop into habits. In a nutshell these are:

  1. Spending more time on important matters, not just urgent matters.
  2. Distinguish clearly between what we view as important against what we view as urgent.
  3. Focus on outcomes or results rather than the journey or the process.
  4. Stop feeling guilty when we say “no”.

Aims Of This Tutorial

I have put this tutorial together to help reduce these stressors. The aims of this tutorial include

  • Teaching you these new habits that will help.
  • Highlighting areas you may not have thought about before
  • Replacing old bad habits with good new ones.

How To Do This Tutorial 

This tutorial will require you to:

  1. Read from start to finish.
  2. Understand, practice and then adopt these new habits.
  3. Be kind to yourself. Neither Rome nor the Chinese Wall were built in one day. As the old Chinese Proverb says:             Even the longest journey of a thousand miles, has to start with the first step.
  4. When you fall back, be encouraged to continue. They also say that it takes 21 days of doing something to form a habit out of it.

Structure Of The Tutorial

In the following pages of this time management tutorial, I will go through the areas of:


Study Skills – Reading Selectively - "Readers are Leaders"

Time Management Matrix

Time Management Goals


Setting Time Management Goals – Getting the Big Picture – Setting Deadlines - Having long-term objectives.


Your Workplace and how it can help your time management. Have a place for everything and everything in its place. Having somewhere to work uninterrupted. Keeping your working space clear.

Personal Time Management Retreats

Time Management Action Plan


Time Management Action Plan - how to set up an Action Plan and what the key aspects are.


Setting Priorities. Doing one important thing at a time but several trivial things simultaneously.

Time Management Prioritized

Time Management Procrastination


Procrastination. Don’t worry about anything on a continuing basis – FIX IT! - Don’t put things off - Determine the 20% critical mass of your tasks - List some 5 or 10 minute discretionary tasks.


Increasing Working Efficiency with Time Management Skills - Dividing up large projects.

Efficient Time Management

Time Management of Meetings


Dealing with the time management around Meetings. Agendas, Participation. General rules concerning meetings.


Using Technology to help you further - improve communication time management.

Time Management Use Technology

Learning Time Management Skills Hints


Learning Time Management Hints

Analyzing your Time Management Skills and improving on them - Keeping track of how you use your time - Being on the alert for ways to improve your management of time.


Time-wasters and Pitfalls in Time Management

Time Management Pitfalls

Directions How to Do The Tutorial

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